Article snippet: DUBLIN (AP) — U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday defended his decision to stay at one of President Donald Trump’s properties while in Ireland in the face of criticism by Democrats and good government groups that he’s enriching Trump at taxpayers’ expense. He called the Trump property a ‘‘logical’’ choice. Speaking to reporters in Dublin, where he spent the day, Pence spoke about his personal connection to the village of Doonbeg — the site of both the Trump International Golf Links & Hotel as well as family history. ‘‘It’s deeply humbling for me to be able to come back to Ireland and have the opportunity to go to the very hometown of my mother’s grandmother,’’ said Pence. He planned to have dinner Tuesday at a pub in the village where he worked several weeks during his first visit to the island when he was 22. Pence added that he understood ‘‘political attacks by Democrats,’’ but said the State Department had signed off on the decision. He said Doonbeg is a ‘‘fairly small place’’ and the opportunity to stay at the property, ‘‘to accommodate the unique footprint that comes with our security detail and other personnel, made it logical.’’ Trump, who owns hotels and golf clubs across the U.S. and in Europe, has come under intense criticism for frequenting properties he owns and profits from — giving them taxpayer-funded publicity and running up millions of dollars in taxpayer costs. Foreign governments and groups looking to curry favor with the president h... Link to the full article to read more
Pence defends decision to stay at Trump property in Ireland - The Boston Globe