Article snippet: Vulnerable House Democrats in swing districts are resisting pressure to back the launching of an impeachment inquiry against MORE. Even as a majority of the House Democratic Caucus backs impeachment, many of the “majority makers” in swing districts have stayed on the sidelines. Only 13 of the 55 Democrats on the House GOP campaign arm’s 2020 target list publicly back an impeachment inquiry. And just two of the 31 House Democrats in districts carried by President Trump in 2016 back one: Reps. MORE (Ill.). Impeachment advocates have been pressing Democratic Reps. Conor Lamb (Pa.), MORE (N.J.) and others representing swing districts at events in recent weeks, but so far none of them have come out in favor of impeachment. This opposition has handed Speaker MORE (D-Calif.) leverage as she argues within her caucus against impeachment. Pelosi has said it does not make sense to go forward with impeachment if supporters do not have the 218 votes necessary to win a vote on the floor — let alone the 67 Senate votes required for a conviction. Allies have warned an impeachment proceeding could backfire on Democrats just as it did for Clinton-era Republicans. Still, the Speaker is expected to come under a new wave of pressure from progressives backing an impeachment inquiry when lawmakers return to the Capitol next week. Progressive groups have sought to build the case for impeachment, and lawmakers such as Lamb and Kim have been on the front lines of the fight. Kim has be... Link to the full article to read more
Swing-seat Democrats oppose impeachment, handing Pelosi leverage | TheHill