Article snippet: The news media is taking hits from all sides, underscoring the bitter partisan divide and fierce war over the “official story” coming out of MORE’s Washington. New controversies involving the nation’s largest newspapers, top editors and cable news personalities have unfolded on a near-daily basis, making the press a central character in the 2020 presidential cycle. The outrage over coverage and attacks on the press are raining down from the left and the right, amplified by social media and the 24-hour cable networks, where Washington politics are dominating like never before. Clicks, ratings and subscriptions are all up, but so are allegations of bias, social media pressures and questions about the news media’s integrity. The media is facing questions about whether it is adapting quickly enough to the fast-changing landscape, in which the news itself appears to have become more partisan. “It’s been trending this way for a while, but now it’s come to a boil,” said Tobe Berkovitz, a Boston University professor who specializes in political communications. “Political news is all-encompassing now, and everything is seen through a partisan lens. Some of these outlets that used to be seen as objective as possible, the august institutions of the past era that covered these stories relatively objectively in the classic sense, there’s been a sea change along with the increasing partisanship of voters that has brought us to the point we’re at now,” Berkovitz added. This wee... Link to the full article to read more