Article snippet: The moment was framed as endearing by CBS News and other news outlets that witnessed it in person, but it also raised questions as to whether the woman, who identified herself as Maj. Ginger Tate, was violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which prohibits political activities while in uniform. Tate stood and introduced herself before a crowd of roughly 400 to 500 people at Limestone College in Gaffney, South Carolina, and said that when she deployed to Afghanistan in 2013, her first sergeant had coins made listing all the cities they visited on deployment. She said to Biden, tearing up at one moment: Biden reciprocated with a coin he was carrying from Afghanistan. The two exchanged hugs amidst applause. “A really powerful moment on the campaign trail, as Major Ginger Tate gives @JoeBiden a coin from her unit when she was deployed in Afghanistan,” tweeted a CBS News journalist who was there. Many on social media pointed out that Tate was violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which prohibits participating in partisan political activities while in uniform. In addition, Department of Defense guidelines say, “active duty personnel may not engage in partisan political activities and all military personnel should avoid the inference that their political activities imply or appear to imply DoD sponsorship, approval, or endorsement of a political candidate, campaign, or cause.” Tate, if a currently serving member of the military, is also going against a... Link to the full article to read more
Army Major Sparks Controversy After Endorsing Biden While in Uniform