Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories President Trump sent four Twitter messages Sunday morning on topics ranging from the economy to Democrats. Jamie Gorelick, one of the first women to join an elite club of lawyer-fixers, finds herself under attack for taking on the Trump family’s legal woes. The first dance. The toasts. The cake-cutting. The . . . surprise appearance by Donald Trump? President Trump appeared at an event with Representative Tom MacArthur, who helped broker an agreement to pass the GOP health care bill. ‘‘I don’t understand why the president just doesn’t clear this matter up once and for all,’’ said Susan Collins. The move comes amid a billowing backlash over comments President Trump made after the recent terrorist attack in London. Most Democrats are being cautious about whether President Trump might have obstructed justice. But Dianne Feinstein says it’s a question worth examining. ‘‘When he tells you to do something, guess what? There’s no ambiguity in it, there’s no, ‘Hey, I’m hoping,’’’ Donald Trump Jr. said on Fox News. The Democratic Unionists favor the region remaining a part of the United Kingdom and oppose unification with Ireland. Opinion | Douglas Murray The young were the future once. Not anymore. Quick Study | Evan Horowitz Pundits and participants are still trying to gauge the full fallout from the vote, but here are some prelimina... Link to the full article to read more
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