Article snippet: A slate of recent setbacks to some of MORE’s key foreign policy goals is threatening to muddy his reelection message. Reports show ISIS is regaining strength in Iraq and Syria. Meanwhile, North Korea has conducted half a dozen missile tests over the last few weeks, a pace not seen since before Trump sat down with MORE. Defeating ISIS and negotiating with North Korea are two areas Trump holds up as major accomplishments at campaign rallies and on Twitter, and backsliding on progress could undercut his message and give fodder to his Democratic rivals. Still, Trump critics and allies alike say it would take a major development to truly resonate with voters and that neither situation has reached that threshold yet. Thomas Wright, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institutions, said Trump wants to counter "Democrats who are saying he’s a bull in a china shop and overly aggressive." "He’ll say, 'Look, I’m a dealmaker and renegotiating sort of America’s role in the world,'" Wright added. "I think it will fall apart, but it may not fall apart until after the election. I don’t think, like in North Korea, for instance, most people are paying a huge amount of attention to the details," said Wright. North Korea has conducted seven short-range missile tests since late July, the most recent happening Saturday local time. Pyongyang has said the tests are in protest of joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises, drills that were already scaled down so as to not upset diplomacy wi... Link to the full article to read more