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Coulter: Media Blackmailing America, Vote Out Trump or Else...

posted onAugust 22, 2019

Article snippet: Coulter said: Coulter quipped, “The media are liars. They can’t be reformed. They must die.” LISTEN: Intimidation of those dissenting from left-wing and partisan Democrat orthodoxy is a goal of many news media outlets, determined Coulter. “To the extent liberals can force people to suppress [open support for Donald Trump] — obviously there are many Trump supporters who are still willing to be quite vocal about it — I think there comes a point that the things people are not willing to say publicly, they are also not willing to do privately,” Coulter speculated. “Those who are cowed away from saying, ‘Look, Trump is better than Elizabeth Warren. He’s better than the people Joe Biden would hire.’ If they get cowed out of saying it, and the media may be able to pull that off, they’ll go in the voting booth and not vote for Trump. They’ve convinced themselves he’s some sort of dangerous maniac.” Breitbart News Tonight broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot channel 125 weeknights from 9:00 p.m. to midnight Eastern or 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Pacific. Follow Robert Kraychik on Twitter. Link to the full article to read more

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