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'Impeachment August' Campaign Falls Short of Goals with Month Near End

posted onAugust 21, 2019

Article snippet: Twelve progressive groups joined together to launch a campaign on August 1 with a goal to pressure House Democrats to come out in support of President Trump’s impeachment. While the American public remains deeply divided on impeachment, Democrats overwhelmingly support it. The groups had planned to pressure their representatives at town halls and other public appearances after they returned to their districts for the August recess, in hopes of getting them to back impeachment if they had not done so already. They launched a website where constituents can see where their representative is appearing next, so that they could go and press them on the issue, and bring along pre-written talking points. “This August, we’ll show up to town halls & district offices to tell our members of Congress to do their jobs and open a formal impeachment inquiry now,” their website says. The groups launched their campaign, along with the hashtag #ImpeachmentAugust on August 1: The groups include: Indivisible, Need to Impeach, Move On, Stand Up America, #MarchForTruth, By the People, Common Cause, Free Speech People, Democracy for America, Progressive Democrats of America, Credo, However, since they launched their campaign on August 1, only nine Democrats have joined the call to impeach President Trump. One of the campaign’s top goals is to get freshman in swing districts to support impeachment, according to articles on the campaign by the Washington Post and BuzzFe... Link to the full article to read more

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