Article snippet: Posted at 11:00 pm on June 10, 2017 by Andrea Ruth There was a large rally on Saturday night for the pie-in-the-sky set of the American public who long for government interference in every aspect of their life and increased taxes on anyone but themselves. “The People’s Summit” held in Chicago on Saturday night apparently kicked off with The Beatles’ song “Revolution.” A laughable idea to anyone who knows how to read or listen to lyrics. The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel pointed out the obvious flaw with playing a song like “Revolution” at a rally for people who long for it. One can only assume no one in that crowd is turning off Muse long enough to listen to a later Beatles’ album. In case a refresher on the lyrics is needed, the 1968 song advocates for skepticism of Sanders’ brand of fiery dissent that leads to catastrophic revolutions. Add to that the sentiment of a song like “Taxman” and I’d be hard pressed to find a fellow feeling between those attending Sanders’ Peoples Summit and John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Of course, only Paul and Ringo can speak to their thoughts on the matter these days. Link to the full article to read more
Large Bernie Sanders Rally Laughably Begins With The Beatles' 'Revolution'