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Trump adopts familiar mantra on possible recession: fake news | TheHill

posted onAugust 20, 2019

Article snippet: MORE and his advisers are adopting a familiar mantra when it comes to mounting concerns about the economy: It’s all fake news. Trump has dismissed concerns over a possible recession and accused the press of manufacturing a crisis and “doing everything they can to crash the economy” so he doesn’t win in 2020. “I don’t think we're having a recession. We're doing tremendously well. Our consumers are rich. I gave a tremendous tax cut, and they're loaded up with money,” Trump told reporters Sunday evening before returning to the White House from a 10-day stay at his New Jersey golf club. If the economy does slow, he says it will be because he had to “take on China and some other countries.” He then accused countries in the European Union of treating the United States “very badly.”  The message has been parroted by Trump’s top advisers. “I think we're in pretty good shape, and I want to just say, you know, we should not be afraid of optimism. I don't know what it is. Everybody wants to talk about pessimism, recession,” White House economic adviser MORE told Fox News earlier Sunday. “There's no recession on the horizon.”  Vice President Pence insisted in a speech Monday to the Detroit Economic Club that the economic outlook remained strong “despite the irresponsible rhetoric of many in the mainstream media.” And White House counselor MORE told reporters that “the fundamentals of the economy are very strong.” She also said the media seemed interested in covering the econ... Link to the full article to read more

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