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'Anarchy and Chaos': Violent Antifa Protests Break Out in Portland

posted onAugust 18, 2019

Article snippet: City officials have been preparing for the potential of dueling clashes, with the police force at the ready and additional agencies on standby. According to journalist and editor of Quillette, Andy Ngo, – who warned that Saturday’s events had the potential to be a “powder keg” – things are already taking a violent turn. One of Ngo’s videos shows protesters attacking a bus, appearing to attempt to pull people out of the vehicle: Another video shows a man who was allegedly maced and beaten by Antifa assailants. “He was knocked unconscious to the ground. His partner or spouse was trying to protect him as mob still surrounded them. No police,” Ngo claimed. More: At least 13 people have been arrested during the demonstrations, police told CNN. Link to the full article to read more

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