Article snippet: MORE in 2020. Biden made headlines three times in the last week by misspeaking. Over the weekend he mistakenly said he had met as vice president with students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. “Those kids in Parkland came to see me when I was vice president,” he told reporters in Iowa. The Parkland school was attacked by a mass shooter and many of the students were turned into gun control activists in an incident in 2018 — more than a year after Biden’s vice presidency ended. That blunder followed another two days earlier when Biden, 76, told an audience of Asian and Hispanic voters that “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” Biden later told reporters he botched the comment he's delivered many times and meant to say “wealthy kids.” “On the spot, I explained it,” he said. “At that very second, I explained it. And so the fact of the matter is that I don't think anybody thinks that I meant anything other than what I meant.” Earlier that day, Biden also declared in a speech at the Iowa State Fair, “We choose science over fiction. We choose truth over facts.” The rash of gaffes are poking holes in Biden's argument that he is the most electable candidate in the very crowded Democratic primary field. Biden is the clear Democratic front-runner, in part because of his years serving as President Obama’s vice president. He has leaned into the argument that he is the candidate best poised to defeat Trump, and sup... Link to the full article to read more