Article snippet: Their mission? To pick up the crushingly heavy loads using nothing but their bare hands and carry them for 500 meters, or a third of a mile. The first round would seem easy. But by the second or third round — and there were six — teeth were gritted, grunts were emitted, and sweat seeped through their shirts. One of the rounds involved picking up a litter with someone laying on it holding onto a truck tire. And after those rounds were done, there were five more — 500 jump-rope repetitions, 100 battle-rope tsunami waves, 50 dragon boat rows, 50 rip trainer rows, and 50 gorilla bow pulls. The workout session was devised and led by Army Command Sgt. Maj. John Troxell, the top senior enlisted officer in the U.S. military. He has dubbed the workout, only somewhat jokingly, “CHS Viking PT” — which stands for “carry heavy sh*t Viking physical training.” For Troxell and a dozen senior enlisted military leaders from across the U.S. military who showed up that morning, it was more than a tough workout — they were validating their credentials, or in other words, showing the men and women they lead that they are putting in the hard work expected of them, too. “People look at me or any senior leader. They see my rank here. They see that I’ve served in combat, I’ve got special skills, combat special skill badges, I have all this stuff. You read my bio, you know I’ve got a Master’s degree. But none of that means anything if I’m not willing to do the things that I expect every E-... Link to the full article to read more