Article snippet: Key Democrats in Congress are already voicing serious doubts that Congress will take meaningful action on gun control in response to the back-to-back mass shootings in Texas and Ohio. While lawmakers in both parties are feeling heavy pressure to fight America’s gun violence epidemic, the Democrats say it will be difficult to get a deal amid a heated, polarized presidential election cycle. “Nothing is going to happen,” predicted one Democratic senator, whose state suffered a mass shooting. The skepticism reflects a long history of congressional inaction in the wake of scores of mass shootings around the country in recent decades. The debate has followed a familiar arc, with calls for action subsiding over time, diminishing the pressure on politicians to act. “After Sandy Hook — remember that? — and nothing happened,” an incredulous Rep. MORE (D-Md.) said Wednesday in an address at the National Press Club. “I think we really need to be careful when listening to politicians talk about what they're going to do. Let me be clear, you have a lot of talk. ... But in the end — in the end — nothing happens,” he said. Reform advocates are hoping this time is different. After 31 people were killed within 24 hours at the shootings at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, and a nightclub district in Dayton, Ohio, MORE endorsed the adoption of so-called red flag laws, which empower local law enforcers to seize firearms from those determined by a court to pose a threat to themselves or o... Link to the full article to read more
Democrats voice doubts Congress will take serious action on guns | TheHill