Article snippet: Former Vice President MORE for several high-profile incidents of racial violence in the U.S., accusing the president of inspiring deadly hate crimes by embracing white nationalist extremism. Speaking to a group of supporters in Burlington, Iowa, Biden lashed out at the president in his most pointed remarks to date, accusing Trump of unleashing “the deepest, darkest forces in this nation.” “We have a problem with this rising tide of white supremacy in America and we have a president who encourages it and emboldens it,” Biden, the 2020 Democratic frontrunner, said. “Indeed, we have a president with a toxic tongue who has publicly and unapologetically embraced the political strategy of hate, racism and division.” he added. Biden said Trump “has more in common with George Wallace than he does with George Washington,” and he cast the 2020 election as a “battle for the soul of this nation.” As Biden spoke, Trump fired back at him from Air Force One as he flew from Dayton, Ohio, to El Paso, Texas, in between meetings with first responders and survivors of the weekend's mass shootings. "Watching Sleepy Joe Biden making a speech. Sooo Boring!" Trump tweeted. "The LameStream Media will die in the ratings and clicks with this guy. It will be over for them, not to mention the fact that our Country will do poorly with him. It will be one big crash, but at least China will be happy!" The three major cable news networks all carried Biden’s speech live. The former vice president... Link to the full article to read more
Biden: Trump responsible for inspiring white nationalist violence in US | TheHill