Article snippet: More than half of New Hampshire Democratic primary voters say it is very important that their party nominate a candidate who supports Medicare for All, according to a new Suffolk University/Boston Globe poll released Tuesday. Fifty-six percent of respondents said Democrats should nominate someone who supports Medicare for All, and 60 percent said they personally supported the policy (compared with to 22 percent who said they were opposed to the idea). Health care has emerged as a dominant issue in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary. Twenty-nine percent of respondents chose health care as the most important issue in the 2020 presidential race, compared to climate change (15 percent), the economy (12 percent), and income inequality (10 percent), the poll found. Health care was also a hot topic during the two rounds of Democratic debates, and policies to address its rising costs have split the field of 2020 Democratic hopefuls. Those in the moderate wing of the party have proposed changes to the Affordable Care Act to achieve universal coverage, most notably a public option that would allow all Americans the chance to buy into a government-run insurance plan. Former vice president Joe Biden, who led the Globe poll in New Hampshire, supports this measure. The more liberal members of the field have said they want to see the private insurance markets scrapped in favor of a health care system funded by the government. Sanders and Warren back this plan instead. B... Link to the full article to read more
N.H. Democrats say they want a candidate who favors Medicare for All, Suffolk/Globe poll finds - The Boston Globe