Article snippet: WASHINGTON — President Trump on Monday condemned weekend shootings in Texas and Ohio as barbaric crimes ‘‘against all humanity’’ and called for bipartisan cooperation to respond to an epidemic of gun violence. He blamed mental illness and video games but made no mention of more limits on sales of firearms. Trump said he wanted legislation providing ‘‘strong background checks’’ for gun users, though he has reneged on previous promises after mass attacks. He offered few details. ‘‘We vow to act with urgent resolve,’’ Trump said, speaking from the White House about shootings that left 31 dead as the count rose on Monday. His scripted remarks came after two days of muted response to the shootings, and included a solitary denunciation of white supremacy, which he has been reluctant to criticize. ‘‘In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy,’’ Trump said, adding that he had directed the FBI to examine steps to identify and address domestic terrorism. ‘‘These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America,’’ he said. Trump’s attempt at unifying the nation, without renouncing his own divisive language about immigrants and political opponents, followed his pattern in moments of national tragedy. The president’s appeals to the nation’s better angels have proved fleeting. His path to the White House was built on the politics of division, and aides say he views his road to reelection once again on sowing discord and unease ... Link to the full article to read more
Trump condemns ‘bigotry,’ stops short of major gun reform - The Boston Globe