Article snippet: Democratic presidential candidates came prepared for battle on the second night of the Democratic presidential primary debates in Detroit on Wednesday. Many of the candidates took on the front-runner of the 2020 Democratic race, former Vice President MORE (D-Calif.) also came under attack after swiftly climbing up in the polls over the past month. The forum also witnessed some witty one-liners, with references to two popular U.S. brands. Here are the top moments from Wednesday's Democratic primary debate. Booker takes on Biden Sen. MORE (D-N.J.) gave a preview of his attacks on the former vice president last week when he hit him over criminal justice reform, and followed through Wednesday when he delivered a series of blows to Biden on the debate stage. Booker on fighting crime as the mayor of Newark, N.J.. “There’s a saying in my community: You’re dipping into the Kool-Aid and you don’t even know the flavor," Booker said. The line quickly gained traction on social media, even eliciting a reaction from Kool-Aid's Twitter account. Booker his former boss, President Obama, too much on the campaign trail. “Mr. Vice President, you can’t have it both ways,” Booker said at Wednesday night's primary debate in Detroit. “You invoke President Obama more than anybody in this campaign. You can’t do it when it’s convenient and then dodge it when it’s not.” The moment came after Biden said that he would not reveal his private conversations with President Obama when p... Link to the full article to read more
Top moments from heated second night of Democratic debate | TheHill