Article snippet: “If a mother and a child walk thousands of miles on a dangerous path, in my view, they are not criminals … We’ve got to ask ourselves, “Why are people walking 2,000 miles to a strange country where they don’t know the language?” Sanders claimed during the debate. In reality, migrants take a cartel-run bus service or rely on their smugglers’ mix of trains, trucks, cars, and buses. For example, CNBC reported April 29 “the Rand study [of the coyote networks] found that human smuggling can involve taxis, charter buses and tractor-trailers that ferry migrants from the Northern Triangle to locations further north on the journey to the U.S.-Mexico border.” The Associated Press reported one group’s travel on July 30: A December 2014 report said: Some of the migrants are also taking buses home after being rejected at the U.S. border, according to a July 25 report by the Associated Press: The transport network is needed to move the huge population of migrants from Central American to the U.S border. Since October 1, roughly 600,000 adults and 300,000 children have arrived at the U.S. border. Link to the full article to read more