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Ilhan Omar Promotes Fantasy of Violence Against Rand Paul

posted onJuly 30, 2019

Article snippet: It all started last week when at a Turning Point USA event Paul in an interview with Breitbart News’s Alana Mastrangelo said he would contribute to funding a trip to Somalia for Omar so she can see the conditions of the country in which she was born. From Mastrangelo’s report on her interview with Paul for Breitbart News: Sara Carter, a conservative journalist, then tweeted a video clip from the interview: In response to that tweet, Intercept columnist Mehdi Hasan tweeted a criticism of Paul: Then, Tom Arnold, the vehemently anti-Donald Trump actor, replied to Hasan with a vicious criticism of Paul that included a reference to a recent incident when Paul’s neighbor back home in Kentucky physically assaulted him, breaking several ribs and forcing the senator to be hospitalized: In January, a jury awarded Paul $580,000 in damages for the incident–which forced his neighbor to spend 30 days in jail and pay a $10,000 fine for assaulting from behind his neighbor, the senator. “A Kentucky jury has awarded U.S. Senator Rand Paul more than $580,000 in damages against a next-door neighbor who broke six of the Republican lawmaker’s ribs in a gardening dispute,” Reuters reported in January. “The neighbor, Rene Boucher, 60, pleaded guilty last year to tackling Paul, 56, in November, 2017. Boucher said he’d ‘had enough’ of the senator’s habit of piling up garden rubbish along the border of their properties in Bowling Green, Kentucky.” Omar, the Democrat congresswoman from Minn... Link to the full article to read more

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