Article snippet: In other words, the festival had 100 percent gun control as far as it related to law-abiding citizens. The festival was held in Christmas Hill Park where the possession of “pocketknives and weapons of any kind” are clearly prohibited. Moreover, a perusal of the city of Gilroy’s “Park Rules and Regulations” unambiguously states that “guns, slingshots, or fireworks” are prohibited. The nation witnessed a similar gun-free zone shooting on May 31, 2019, in Virginia Beach. That gunman opened fire in the employee-portion of a city building, and employees were barred from bringing firearms to work. We saw the same thing in gun-free Parkland (February 14, 2018), gun-free Orlando Pulse (June 2016), the gun-free San Bernardino County Building (December 2, 2015), the gun-free DC Navy Yard (September 16, 2013), gun-free Sandy Hook Elementary (December 14, 2012), and the gun-free Aurora movie theater (July 20, 2012). Democrat presidential hopeful Kamala Harris reacted to the Gilroy shooting by urging Americans not to tolerate a “gun violence epidemic.” And the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence responded to the Gilroy attack with a gun control push. Neither Harris nor CSGV referenced the stringent gun controls in California nor the garlic festival’s prohibition of “weapons of any kind.” AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, als... Link to the full article to read more
Gilroy Garlic Festival Prohibited 'Weapons of Any Kind'