Article snippet: Former President Barack Obama, who doesn’t often comment on current politics, seemed to endorse on Saturday an op-ed written by 148 African Americans who served in his administration that called out President Donald Trump for recent comments degrading four congresswomen of color. ‘‘I’ve always been proud of what this team accomplished during my administration. But more than what we did, I’m proud of how they’re continuing to fight for an America that’s better,’’ Obama tweeted with a link to the op-ed published Friday evening in The Washington Post. Under the headline, ‘‘We are African Americans, we are patriots, and we refuse to sit idly by,’’ the former Obama administration officials vowed to stand up against the ‘‘racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia . . . wielded by the president and any elected official complicit in the poisoning of our democracy.’’ ‘‘There is truly nothing more un-American than calling on fellow citizens to leave our country — by citing their immigrant roots, or ancestry, or their unwillingness to sit in quiet obedience while democracy is being undermined,’’ they wrote. After Trump tweeted that four minority lawmakers should ‘‘go back’’ to the places they were from and a crowd of Trump supporters chanted ‘‘Send her back!’’ at the mention of Representative Ilhan Omar, a Minnesota Democrat and a Somali refugee who became a US citizen in 2000, at a campaign rally, most Democrats became indignant. Even former first lady Michelle Obama, who... Link to the full article to read more
Barack Obama shares op-ed that criticizes President Trump - The Boston Globe