Article snippet: Posted at 12:30 pm on June 9, 2017 by Jim Jamitis Someone managed to make a secret recording of a talk given by Congresswoman Martha McSally to the Arizona Bankers Association. McSally expressed frustration with how President Trump’s antics are making things difficult for House Republicans seeking reelection. McSally was seeking donations so some of this can probably be attributed to her need to present a reason for people to write checks to her campaign. It’s nothing new that every Republican gets held to account for the bad actions of the worst among them. It is somewhat unusual that the loose cannon is occupying the White House. Trump’s tweets and tanking approval rations can’t bode well for Republicans in 2018. The recording of McSally was likely made by a representative from a left wing organization who infiltrated the private meeting. The congresswoman expressed how frustrating it is to be linked to the President so closely simply because they belong to the same party. “The environment has changed.” That is putting it mildly. Link to the full article to read more
GOP Rep Recorded Saying Thanks to Trump 'We're Going to Hand the Gavel to Pelosi in 2018'