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House Passes Two-Year Trump-Endorsed Budget Agreement | Breitbart

posted onJuly 26, 2019

Article snippet: The House passed H.R. 3877, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019, featuring bipartisan support for the two-year agreement. The bill passed with 284-149 votes, featuring strong Democrat support for the measure and limited Republican support. Over 200 Democrats voted for the bill, while less than 70 Republicans backed it. Roughly 132 Republicans voted against the bill. President Donald Trump tweeted Thursday that House Republicans should pass the two-year so that the spending bill helps the military and American veterans. The agreement would also increase spending for the Department of Defense (DOD), a priority for Republican as well as domestic spending, one of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) priorities. The budget agreement arose out of a split Congress, in which President Trump had to negotiate with congressional Democrat leaders such as Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on a long-term budget deal. Trump said, “House Republicans should support the TWO YEAR BUDGET AGREEMENT which greatly helps our Military and our Vets. I am totally with you!” House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said that the bill “Secures important policies victories that no conservative can or should dismiss” such as the Hyde Amendment protections and preventing poison pills from entering the bill. McCarthy added that the budget agreement would prevent organizations such as Planned Parenthood from using Title X money as their “personal piggy bank.” Trump al... Link to the full article to read more

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