Article snippet: House lawmakers from across the political spectrum will finally get a chance to grill former special counsel MORE on Wednesday about his two-year investigation. Mueller will face lawmakers from the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees in back-to-back hearings months after the release of his report, which did not find enough evidence to show the Trump campaign conspired with Russia during the 2016 presidential election. It separately did not reach a conclusion on whether MORE obstructed the investigation, though it pointedly declined to “exonerate” the president. Here are 10 key players to watch. Judiciary Chairman MORE (D-N.Y.) Nadler, who will be the first lawmaker to question Mueller, is under enormous pressure to ensure that Wednesday is a success for his party. He’s looking for a smooth hearing and to elicit answers from Mueller in a way that will reverberate with the American public. The hearing could be a turning point on impeachment, depending on how dramatically the day goes. Nadler explicitly acknowledged earlier this month that “articles of impeachment are under consideration as part of the Committee’s investigation, although no final determination has been made.” He and other Democrats are hoping the hearing breathes life into the Mueller report, which Democrats have repeatedly noted that most Americans have not read. But Nadler and other Democrats are also being careful about setting expectations. “We hope it won’t end up being a dud,” he said ... Link to the full article to read more
Key lawmakers to watch at Mueller hearing | TheHill