Article snippet: In response to Trump rolling out his travel ban idea in December 2015, a version of which he would later successfully implement as president despite legal challenges, Tlaib said on Twitter: “Deport this asshole!” Trump, like Tlaib, is an American citizen, so deporting either would not be possible. But this tweet carries particular irony now, given Trump’s comments about Tlaib and her fellow members of the so-called “Squad”–Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA)–in recent weeks, where President Trump has said in tweets of his own that they should go back to where they came from if they do not like America. The tweets from Trump–and his doubling, tripling, and quadrupling down on them–set off a firestorm in official Washington, with the Democrat-led House of Representatives last week pushing through a resolution condemning Trump as a “racist” in response to them. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was fighting with the “Squad” before the Trump tweets, sided with the freshman socialists against the president and actually violated House rules in a floor speech arguing for the passage of the resolution condemning the president. The fiasco wherein Pelosi was forced to aid the “Squad” ate up nearly an entire legislative day and forced all members of the Democrat conference in the House to take two votes to clean up her rules violation. Pelosi’s rules violation was the first time in decades–since the 1980s–that a sitting Speaker... Link to the full article to read more
2015 Tlaib on Trump After Travel Ban Rollout: 'Deport This Asshole!'