Article snippet: Biden, who has pitched himself as the only Democrat capable of winning back the white working class in 2020, made the admission when being interviewed for a profile in The New York Times that was published on Tuesday. “A lot of people were left behind,” the frontrunner said when discussing the Obama administration’s efforts to combat the recession. “In areas where people were hard hit, I don’t think we paid enough attention to their plight.” Despite the confession, Biden stopped short of laying the culpability on Obama. Instead, he claimed the president and others were preoccupied by more pressing issues during their eight years in office. “Everything landed on the president’s desk but locusts,” Biden said in describing the early days of the administration. He added that Obama was so busy he “didn’t have time to breathe.” The former vice president attributed the “lack of messaging” and Obama’s reluctance to “promote his successes.” According to Bide, those failures helped lead to the rise and eventual election of President Donald Trump. In 2016, voters without a college degree backed Trump over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by a margin of 52 percent to 44 percent. The share was significantly larger among non-college educated whites who broke for Trump by the largest margin since 1980—67 percent to 28 percent. Although the numbers of such voters are decreasing nationally, non-college educated whites are still a sizable population in Pennsylvania, Iowa,... Link to the full article to read more