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Health care moves to center stage in Democratic primary fight | TheHill

posted onJuly 19, 2019

Article snippet: The battle over health care has moved to center stage in the Democratic primary, as Sen. MORE over “Medicare for All.”  Democrats successfully took control of the House by running on protecting ObamaCare during the 2018 midterm election, but are now struggling with internal divisions over whether to move beyond the health law and dramatically expand the government’s role in providing care.  In the past week, Biden and Sanders have taken aim at each other over the Vermont senator’s proposal to eliminate private insurance and replace it with Medicare for All.  Biden has pushed a more incremental plan of keeping ObamaCare while expanding its subsidies and offering a government-run “public option.” He has sought to draw a contrast with Sanders by highlighting that under his plan, people can keep their private insurance.  When he announced his health plan this week, Biden equated Medicare for All with the GOP’s ObamaCare repeal attempts.  "I understand the appeal of Medicare for All, but folks supporting it should be clear that it means getting rid of ObamaCare, and I'm not for that," Biden said in a video announcing his plan.  “I knew the Republicans would do everything in their power to repeal ObamaCare. They still are. But I’m surprised that so many Democrats are running on getting rid of it,” Biden said. Biden is running as the protector of ObamaCare, banking that the law’s popularity will convince voters that his plan is a better approach than Medicare for All.  ... Link to the full article to read more

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