Article snippet: Even in the volatile Trump era, this was an extraordinary and historic week in Washington. The House voted to condemn a sitting president for “racist” tweets. The Speaker’s words were stricken from the record only to be restored minutes later in a controversial vote. The lower chamber voted to hold two top Cabinet officials in contempt of Congress. And Democrats and Republicans teamed up to kill the first impeachment effort against MORE brought forth in the new Democratic majority. “It certainly was a contentious week, and in many respects, an unbelievable week,” Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), who’s spent more than two decades in the House, told The Hill. Partisanship on Capitol Hill has been getting more entrenched for years, but the tensions have escalated under Trump and seemed to come to a head this week in a perfect storm of racial acrimony, partisan finger-pointing and even concerns about violent attacks against members of Congress. “We are beginning to see the radioactive fallout of this presidency on this institution. That's really what you’re seeing,” Rep. MORE (D-Va.), a former Senate staffer who’s served a decade in the House. “And what he's not used to is, he's no longer dealing with a compliant, see-and-hear-no-evil Congress. He's actually dealing with a Congress that believes oversight's real, and a constitutional requirement. And that has created a whole new environment, and I don't think anyone should be surprised that we are ... Link to the full article to read more
History in the House: Congress weathers unprecedented week | TheHill