Article snippet: Bucking House Democratic leaders, Rep. MORE, a highly charged topic that has stoked divisions within the caucus. A majority of Democrats, along with the chamber's Republicans, voted to table the measure, while 94 Democrats joined Green in going on record to accuse Trump of inflaming racial tensions following a recent episode in which he urged four female lawmakers of color to “go back” to other countries. Most Democrats who voted Wednesday to move toward impeachment were liberal lawmakers who had already endorsed the push to launch an impeachment inquiry against the president. Still, more than a dozen of those who sided with Green Wednesday had not endorsed that effort yet formally, including Reps. MORE (Calif.), who chairs a key subcommittee on immigration. Here is the full list of the 94 Democrats who voted in support of Green’s impeachment effort: Reps. MORE (N.C.) Nanette Diaz Barragán (Calif.) MORE (Calif.) MORE (Ohio) MORE (Ore.) MORE (Ore.) Brendan Boyle (Pa.) MORE (Md.) MORE (N.C.) Tony Cárdenas (Calif.) MORE (Ind.) MORE (Texas) MORE (R.I.) MORE (Mass.) MORE (N.Y.) William MORE (Mo.) MORE (Tenn.) Danny K. Davis (Ill.) MORE (Pa.) MORE (Colo.) MORE (Calif.) MORE (Mich.) MORE (Texas) MORE (Pa.) Eliot Engel (N.Y.) MORE (Texas) MORE (N.Y.) MORE (Pa.) MORE (Ohio) Jesús “Chuy” García (Ill.) MORE (Texas) MORE (Calif.) Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.) MORE (N.Y.) MORE (Calif.) MORE (Texas) MORE (Wash.) MORE (Ga.) MORE (Ill.) MORE (Mass.) MORE (Mich.) MORE (Ariz.) MORE (Wash... Link to the full article to read more
Here are the 95 Democrats who voted to support impeachment | TheHill