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Donald Trump: American Indians 'Don't Want' Elizabeth Warren | Breitbart

posted onJuly 18, 2019

Article snippet: “I was driving her crazy, so she went out and hired a guy to check the blood,” Trump said. “I’m sure he had a lot of fun doing that.” Trump mocked the test results for showing that Warren could have 1/1024th percent Native American blood, despite her claims of Cherokee heritage. “The Indians got together and said, ‘We don’t want her!” Trump said. “We want Trump!” Trump commented on the issue at a campaign rally in Greenville, North Carolina. The crowd proceeded to chan, “We want Trump!” in response to the story. The president said that he might have deployed the “Pocahontas” attack against Elizabeth Warren too soon, noting that her poll numbers were rising again after her presidential campaign struggled to gain traction. “Pocahontas is gaining a little bit because we probably use the Pocahontas a little bit too early,” he said. “But that’s OK. We’ll bring it out of retirement very soon.” Trump began highlighting Warren’s bogus claim of Native American heritage as early as May 2016. Link to the full article to read more

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