Article snippet: WASHINGTON — President Trump on Wednesday misrepresented words from Rep. Ilhan Omar to make her sound like an al-Qaida sympathizer and exaggerated the performance of the economy under his watch. A look at claims from his rally in North Carolina: Trump quotes Omar as saying: ‘‘You don’t say ‘America’ with this intensity. You say ‘al-Qaida,’ it makes you proud. Al-Qaida makes you proud. You don’t speak that way about America.’’ THE FACTS: This is not at all what the Minnesota Democrat said. She did not voice pride in the terrorist group. Trump is referring to an interview Omar gave in 2013. In it, she talked about studying terrorism history or theory under a professor who dramatically pronounced the names of terrorist groups, as if to emphasize their evil nature. ‘‘The thing that was interesting in the class was every time the professor said ‘al-Qaida,’ he sort of like — his shoulders went up’’ and he used a menacing, intense tone, she said. Her point was that the professor was subtly rousing suspicions of Muslims with his theatrical presentation, while pronouncing ‘‘America’’ without the intensity he afforded the names of terrorist groups. At no point did she say ‘‘al-Qaida’’ should be uttered with intensity or pride and that ‘‘America’’ shouldn’t. Trump is continuing to assail Omar and three other liberal Democratic women of color, challenging their loyalty to the US The House rebuked him Tuesday for his ‘‘racist comments.’’ Trump: ‘‘We are offering plans up to ... Link to the full article to read more
Fact check: Trump’s North Carolina rally - The Boston Globe