Article snippet: incendiary comments. The president tweeted before, during and immediately after the press conference, which was carried on cable news networks. He repeated his assertion that those who criticize the U.S. should leave and suggested his attacks would ultimately harm the Democratic Party even as caucus members united to condemn the president's comments as racist. "The Dems were trying to distance themselves from the four 'progressives,' but now they are forced to embrace them," Trump tweeted. "That means they are endorsing Socialism, hate of Israel and the USA! Not good for the Democrats!" Trump later appeared to respond to the charges from the four lawmakers about shoddy conditions at border detention facilities by asserting that the "cages" they referred to were built during the Obama administration. The president sparked an uproar on Sunday morning when he tweeted that unnamed progressive congresswomen "who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe" should "go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came." Trump spent Monday doubling down on his attacks, insisting that those who are inclined to criticize the U.S. should leave. "They can leave. And you know what? I’m sure that there will be many people that won’t miss them," he said. "They have to love our country. They’re congresspeople." He targeted Omar in particular, suggesting she "hates Jews" because of her past comments abou... Link to the full article to read more
Trump lashes out at as progressive Democrats blast him in press conference | TheHill