Article snippet: Senate Republicans are reversing course and now taking a hard look at health care legislation to replace the 2010 Affordable Care Act in case the courts strike down former President Obama’s signature achievement. There’s a sense of urgency among GOP lawmakers to come up with a plan to replace the most popular components of ObamaCare after a panel of appellate judges on Tuesday aggressively questioned whether the law passes legal muster following Congress’s repeal of the tax penalty for not having insurance. A nullification in the courts could leave millions of people with pre-existing medical conditions without insurance and disrupt coverage for others. Just the consideration of legislative action is an about-face from a few months ago when Senate Majority Leader MORE (R-Ky.) said Senate Republicans would not move legislation to replace ObamaCare before the 2020 election, arguing it would have no chance of passing Congress, particularly with a Democratic-controlled House. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman MORE (R-Tenn.) even laid aside the thorny debate over how to reform health insurance — a central component of ObamaCare — to focus instead on finding ways to reduce health costs. But on Tuesday, McConnell pledged that the Senate would act swiftly to protect people with pre-existing medical conditions if a GOP-backed lawsuit is successful in overturning ObamaCare. “I think the important thing for the public to know is there’s nobody... Link to the full article to read more
Republicans make U-turn on health care | TheHill