Article snippet: Immigration attorney Leon Fresco is praising House Republicans and House Democrats for advancing HR. 1044, legislation that allows thousands of Indian nationals who have taken American jobs through programs like the H-1B visa at the behest of tech conglomerates and Indian outsourcing firms to more quickly obtain green cards to eventually get American citizenship. The legislation allows Indian nationals to effectively monopolize the U.S. green card system for at least the next ten years, providing a constant stream of foreign workers to the outsourcing lobby and tech giants like Amazon, Facebook, and Google that American professionals will be forced to compete against for white-collar U.S. jobs. Fresco, who boasts about being the “primary drafter” of 2013’s Gang of Eight amnesty scheme — the legislation that would have provided amnesty to the majority of illegal aliens in the U.S. and would have helped add 32 million eligible foreign-born voters to the U.S. electorate by 2036 — praised the passage of the green card giveaway online: Fresco applauded Rep. Dan Crenshaw’s (R-TX) explanation of why he voted in support of the green card giveaway plan, calling it “the most cogent explanation” of the legislation: This year, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kevin McAleenan approved Fresco to join the DHS Advisory Council despite his staunch opposition to President Trump’s “America First” immigration agenda. Despite tech corporations’ claims that there is a s... Link to the full article to read more
Amnesty Architect Declares Victory as GOP/Dems Pass Outsourcing Bill