Article snippet: MORE told reporters on Friday that he is considering an executive order to ensure a citizenship question is included on the U.S. census. Trump told reporters on the White House lawn that he has four or five options and is "thinking about" an executive order. He also said his administration could begin printing the 2020 census and later include the question as part of an addendum. “We’re thinking about doing that, it’s one of the ways,” Trump told reporters before departing the White House for his golf club in Bedminster, N.J., noting that administration officials are “doing very well” on the issue. "You need it for many reasons. Number one, you need it for Congress, for districting. You need it for appropriations: Where are the funds going, how many people are there, are they citizens, are they not citizens? You need it for many reasons,” Trump said. He also weighed in on the recent Supreme Court decision regarding the citizenship question, specifically addressing Chief Justice John Roberts's decision to side with liberal justices in ruling against the administration. “I have a lot of respect for Justice Roberts — but he didn’t like it, but he did say come back,” Trump said. “We could start the printing now and maybe do an addendum after we get a positive decision.” The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 last week to block the citizenship question from appearing on the 2020 census for now, saying the administration’s argument that the question is needed to enforce a federal... Link to the full article to read more
Trump considering executive order on citizenship question for census | TheHill