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Ivanka Trump tests her diplomatic chops and riles a legion of critics - The Boston Globe

posted onJuly 2, 2019

Article snippet: Set against a tense, eerie silence in the landmine-riddled mountains separating South and North Korea, the Demilitarized Zone may be the highest-stakes negotiation site on earth. It is not the sort of place for mistakes. It is the latest spot where Ivanka Trump has tried her hand at statecraft. On Sunday, Ivanka Trump, the president’s elder daughter, used an impromptu meeting between her father and Kim Jong Un, the North Korean leader, to further slip into the role of unofficial spokeswoman and budding stateswoman for the Trump administration. With her husband, fellow senior adviser Jared Kushner, at her side, Ivanka Trump delivered news interviews, posed for photos and attended a closed-door meeting between her father and Kim. Earlier in the day, Ivanka Trump had repeated what her father has often said about dealing with the North: that it would be free of crippling sanctions and clear for an economic boom if Kim were to dismantle his nuclear program. Scant evidence suggests that Kim is taking the steps to do this, but Sunday, two Trumps rewarded him with a visit. “We are on the precipice of ushering in potentially a golden era for the Korean Peninsula,” Ivanka Trump told Bloomberg News in the hours before her father took the historic step of crossing into the North. But by the time she emerged from the closed-door meeting between the leaders hours later, she only had one word for journalists about her encounter with North Korea. She called it “surreal.” Others... Link to the full article to read more

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