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Winners and losers from two nights of Democratic debates | TheHill

posted onJune 28, 2019

Article snippet: MIAMI — The first Democratic presidential primary debates concluded on Thursday after an explosive night of heavyweight fights that reshaped the race for the nomination. Here are the winners and losers after two hot nights in South Florida:  WINNERS Sen. MORE (Calif.) Harris was patient, lying in wait until she sprung a direct attack on former Vice President MORE’s record on civil rights in what turned out to be the most explosive exchange of either night. It was a tense moment — Harris said that she took it personally when Biden said that he had found common ground working with segregationists in the Senate decades ago, and she contrasted Biden’s opposition to a federal busing law with her own experience with busing as a young minority girl growing up in California. Biden called it a mischaracterization of his life’s work and reminded Harris that she had chosen to become a prosecutor, while he had pursued work as a public defender. But Harris clearly won the exchange — she “eviscerated” him, as one Democrat told The Hill, and in the process announced herself as a direct challenger to the front-runner. Harris also got the biggest laugh of the night after a shouting match among the candidates set her up to say, “America does not want to witness a food fight. They want to know how we are going to put food on their table.” Biden turned to her and clapped for that line. Harris had been criticized coming into the debate for being too scripted and cautious. She was nei... Link to the full article to read more

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