Article snippet: The House passed a $4.5 billion border funding bill in a 230-195 vote on Tuesday after last-minute changes were made to the legislation to sway progressive and Latino lawmakers who previously weren’t on board. The Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Humanitarian Assistance and Security at the Southern Border Act, which aims to provide humanitarian aid and address the flow of migrants, faces a veto threat from the White House and an uphill battle in the upper chamber, which is slated to bring up its own border bill as soon as Tuesday. An amendment to the just-passed bill, unveiled by the House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday morning, added provisions that would require Customs and Border Protection to enact health standards for individuals in custody, including implementing standards for both adults and children for “medical emergencies; nutrition, hygiene, and facilities; and personnel training.” Language was also added requiring the Health and Human Services (HHS) secretary to submit a plan to ensure translation services are accessible to immigrants, alert Congress when there is insufficient space at state-licensed facilities and place a time limit on the amount of time unaccompanied minors can spend at an influx shelter. And an update to the manager's amendment was made Tuesday afternoon that would amend the bill to bar the HHS secretary from waiving requirements for contractors running influx shelters. It also added $2 million "to the Executive Off... Link to the full article to read more