Article snippet: Tensions spilled over at a town hall held Sunday by South Bend, Ind., Mayor MORE following the fatal police shooting of a black man, drawing further scrutiny on the Democratic presidential candidate's record. The town hall, which was held in South Bend a week after Eric Logan, an African American man, was killed by a police officer, grew tense as visibly angry black residents confronted Buttigieg and Police Chief Scott Ruszkowski over systemic failures with the city's law enforcement. Buttigieg, speaking calmly as audience members grew increasingly vocal, said the city will share information as soon as officials are able to do so. The 37-year-old mayor, who has seen his popularity skyrocket in polls over the past several months, has sought to quell the anger in the community following Logan's death, and he temporarily left the campaign trail last week in order to address the incident. The issue shines further light on what is becoming a major stumbling block for Buttigieg as a presidential contender: his lack of popularity with black voters, seen as a must-win demographic for candidates seeking the Democratic Party's nomination. The military veteran and Rhodes scholar was already facing criticism over his handling of the firing of South Bend's black former police chief and his decision not to publicly release five tapes critics say could include racist language used by police officers. The shooting of Logan by Sgt. Ryan O'Neill, who was not wearing his body ca... Link to the full article to read more