Article snippet: Democrats are feeling a sense of déjà vu as infighting among presidential candidates intensifies. And with less than a week until the first 2020 primary debate, the sniping is expected to worsen. Democrats are concerned they will have another 2016 on their hands, when the primary grew so bitter that some supporters of Sen. MORE. They are worried that a long, bruising primary season could ultimately benefit MORE on Election Day. "Democrats will beat Donald Trump by making this a referendum on Donald Trump. But if they tear each other apart between now and the convention, they risk depressing their own turnout," said former Rep. MORE (Calif.), for touting his previous working relationship in the Senate with two segregationist senators. Shortly before that, Sanders took aim at his main competitor on the left, Sen. MORE (D-Mass.). The Sanders jab was significant because he and Warren had vowed to not go after each other in the primary. "It's like we never learned our lesson," the strategist said. In 2016, Clinton and Sanders sparred over everything from health care to the auto bailout and guns. Sanders repeatedly highlighted Clinton’s ties to Wall Street and wealthy fundraisers, painting her as out of touch with working-class Democrats as she accepted high dollar speaking fees from investment firms such as Goldman Sachs. “Do we really feel confident about a candidate who says she will bring change in America when she is so dependent on big money interests?” Sanders a... Link to the full article to read more
Ghosts of 2016 primary haunt Democrats | TheHill