Article snippet: Warren said progressives have been on “defense,” defending Roe v. Wade for 47 years and strictly relying on the courts. That, she argued, needs to change. “But the truth is, we’ve been on defense for 47 years, and it’s not working,” she said. The GOP, she claimed, has “chipped away” and “hacked away” at the ground under the left’s feet. “And inch at a time, piece at a time, they’ve chipped away, hacked away at the ground under our feet,” Warren explained. “So that access becomes narrower – becomes more limited.” Abortionists have “hacked away” the lives of over 61 million babies since Roe v. Wade’s inception. Planned Parenthood alone “chipped away” over 332,000 unborn children in the last year. Despite those numbers, Warren – who wholeheartedly believes progressives have been on “defense” – claimed that 75 percent of Americans want to see Roe v. Wade upheld and called for a federal law to make it the law of the land. “It’s not enough to say we’re going to rely on the courts,” she said. “We need to pass a federal law to make Roe v. Wade the rule of the law always.” “This is a democracy. In democracy, the laws should reflect the values of the people,” she continued. “So I say it is time to go on offense with Roe v. Wade.” “And understand when we do that, we can add and say and no more of this semi-repeal of Roe,” she added. “Take another bite out of Roe. Take an undercut of Roe. We’re going to make it the law. Let’s make it the law for real again.” Surveys centerin... Link to the full article to read more
Warren: GOP Has 'Hacked Away' Bits of Roe v. Wade