Article snippet: The Democrats’ migration wins include a renewed legal shield for the illegal-immigrant parents in the United States who pay cartel-affiliated coyotes to smuggle their children into the United States, $1 billion to ease migrants’ orderly transit through the border, plus a denial of President Donald Trump’s request for extra detention beds and additional ICE enforcement agents. Democrats won the gains even though they risk a public backlash because their pro-migration sympathies and policies are inviting and encouraging the crush of migrant adults and children at the U.S. border. That anti-Democratic backlash would likely be triggered in just a few weeks when the border agencies simply run out of money to administer the Democrat-encouraged migration, so creating further TV-magnified chaos on the border. The GOP appropriations chairman, Sen. Richard Shelby downplayed the Democrats’ come-from-behind budget wins and urged Republicans not to use the budget fight for policy gains. “Most importantly, [the budget] does not include poison pills from either party,” he claimed “This package does not include everything I wanted [and] does not include everything that [Democratic] Sen. [Patrick] Leahy would have wanted.” He then asked GOP Senators not to use the budget to win useful policy reforms: All 16 GOP Senators — including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell — voted for the package. All 15 Democrats voted for the package, except for one Senator who demanded yet more c... Link to the full article to read more
GOP Grants Policy Wins to Democrats in $4.6 Billion Migration Budget