Article snippet: WASHINGTON — During a dramatic two and a half hours of testimony on Thursday, the former F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, gave new insight into his tense relationship with President Trump. Mr. Comey said he was distrustful of the president from their first meeting, in early January, and said he believed that Mr. Trump was trying to get him to end the F.B.I. investigation into his former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn. Mr. Comey also described how Mr. Trump antagonized him on Twitter after firing him. Here are the biggest takeaways from the hearing: Mr. Trump’s Twitter account undermined him once again. Days after Mr. Comey was ousted, The New York Times reported that the two men had dined one-on-one at the White House in January and that Mr. Trump had asked Mr. Comey for his loyalty. On the morning the story was published in the newspaper, the president tweeted, “James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!” A flurry of questions ensued, but the White House would not confirm whether Mr. Trump had recorded their discussions. Nevertheless, the tweet set off a series of events, some engineered by Mr. Comey, that helped prompt the appointment of a special counsel to investigate Russian election interference and possible ties to Mr. Trump’s associates, a blow to a White House that has tried to shake off the investigation. Mr. Comey said that three days after Mr. Trump’s tweet, he woke up in ... Link to the full article to read more