Article snippet: “If the @nytimes is still the so called ‘paper of record,’ it’s only because they continue to set RECORDS for the amount of Fake News they print,” Don Jr. tweeted. The tweet was in response to an earlier Breitbart News report on the New York Times‘ fake news story on the status of Harriet Tubman’s $20 bill. The Times‘ accusatory piece, published Friday, centered around Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s rationale for supposedly delaying the rollout of the redesigned bill from 2020 to 2028. The original report dripped with baseless accusations and theories, even going as far as suggesting that Mnuchin “delayed” the design to avoid conflict with President Trump, who is fond of the traditional $20 bill featuring Andrew Jackson. “Current and former department officials say Mr. Mnuchin chose the delay to avoid the possibility that Mr. Trump would cancel the plan outright and create even more controversy,” the Times‘ piece read. That, of course, was proven to be pure conjecture. Furthermore, the Times cited an anonymous employee of the bureau, who claimed to have viewed a digital image of what was supposedly the redesigned bill. With that information alone, the Times subtly implied that the Trump administration was deliberately “delaying” the bill for political reasons and political reasons alone. The New York Times reported: Bureau of Engraving and Printing Director Len Olijar pushed back on the Times‘ misleading report, explaining that a 2020 release was nothing mo... Link to the full article to read more