Article snippet: The House Oversight and Reform Committee voted largely along party lines on Wednesday to hold Attorney General MORE in contempt for failing to comply with congressional subpoenas. Rep. MORE (R-Mich.) broke with his party to vote with the panel's Democrats. The high-stakes vote took place just hours after the Justice and Commerce departments announced that MORE had asserted executive privilege over the subpoenaed documents, which were tied to the Trump administration’s addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 census. Wednesday’s vote, which comes just one day after the House voted to empower committee chairmen with more legal authority to enforce their subpoenas, is a further escalation of the battle between the Trump administration and House Democrats investigating the president. The citizenship question has been hotly contested since Ross announced in March 2018 that it would be included on the 2020 census, stating that the Department of Justice (DOJ) had requested the question in order to help enforce the Voting Rights Act. In his opening statement, House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman MORE (D-Md.) hit back at the president’s claim of executive privilege over the documents, calling it “another example of the administration's blanket defiance of Congress's mandated responsibilities.” The chairman said that his committee has obtained evidence indicating that Ross had pursued the addition of a citizenship question to the census before DOJ officials ... Link to the full article to read more
House Oversight votes to hold Barr, Ross in contempt | TheHill