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Flynn told investigators Russia asked for Trump-Putin video call day after inauguration | TheHill

posted onJune 7, 2019

Article snippet: Prosecutors have released a less-redacted version of an FBI memo describing the interview agents had with Michael Flynn in January 2017. The document shows that Flynn told investigators that Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak asked him during a Dec. 28, 2016, phone call to set up a “VTC,” an apparent reference to a video teleconference, between President Trump and Russian President MORE. Flynn told investigators that Kislyak requested that the video conference occur on Jan. 21, the day after Trump was inaugurated as president, according to the memo. Flynn has since pleaded guilty to lying to FBI investigators about his contacts with Kislyak, particularly by denying that the two discussed sanctions on Moscow imposed by the Obama administration in response to Russian interference in the election. The guilty plea was part of a deal to cooperate with special counsel MORE’s investigation in December 2017. The memo, a more restricted version of which was released in December, shows that Flynn repeatedly denied having any discussions with Kislyak about the sanctions on Russia when questioned by the agents. The new version of the memo, known as an FD-302, also shows that Flynn told FBI agents that he met with Kislyak and MORE at Trump Tower in New York City following the 2016 election. The meeting has previously been subject to press reporting and is referenced in Mueller’s 448-page report, a redacted version of which was released in April following the conclusion of his ... Link to the full article to read more

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