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Polls flash 2020 warning for Trump | TheHill

posted onJune 6, 2019

Article snippet: Early swing state polls suggest President Trump will have his work cut out for him to win reelection to a second term. Trump's upset victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin propelled him to the White House in 2016. He was the first Republican presidential candidate to win any of those states since 1988. Today, most polls show Trump behind former Vice President MORE — the current front-runner in the Democratic race — in all of those swing states. That's a problem, because if the 2016 map otherwise stays the same, a Democratic candidate who wins those three states will win the Electoral College. “Wisconsin seems to be a real problem, the 2018 midterms were a disaster for Republicans there, and Biden seems to have unique appeal in Pennsylvania,” said Alex Conant, a partner at the GOP firm Firehouse Strategies. “Trump appears to be running strongest in Michigan, and he really only needs to hold on to one of these to win reelection. But it’s going to be very competitive and Trump is going to need to spend a lot of time in those three states and hope for the kind of turnout we saw in 2016,” he said. Worse for Trump, polls also show him trailing Biden and Sen. MORE (I-Vt.) in a number of other swing states. A poll of North Carolina released this week showed Biden up 12 points on Trump and Sanders leading him by 8 points. Former President Obama is the only recent Democratic presidential candidate to win the Tar Heel State, with the previous Democratic victory t... Link to the full article to read more

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