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Obstruction, or not? Comey testimony makes plain that Trump wounded his own presidency - The Boston Globe

posted onJune 9, 2017

Article snippet: Most popular on Based on what you've read recently, you might be interested in theses stories WASHINGTON – James Comey’s testimony Thursday made it plain that President Trump grievously wounded his own presidency by abusing his power, misreading both his responsibilities as president and the character of the FBI director he repeatedly pressured. As a candidate, Trump captivated the Republican base of voters with his calls for a total overthrow of the status quo. But upon arriving in Washington, the president apparently thought the Oval Office conferred power to halt a criminal probe of his campaign’s ties to Russia. Whether Trump violated federal law, or committed an impeachable offense, is likely to be a focus of the special counsel investigation and congressional committees conducting their own probes.During Thursday’s riveting two-and-a-half-hour hearing, Comey laid out the multiple ways a blundering Trump may have obstructed justice by suggesting the FBI should bend to his will. From their first encounter before Trump even assumed office, Comey testified under oath, he felt the need to document his conversations because the president “might lie about the nature of our meeting.” After Trump fired Comey May 9, the president compounded the damage with clumsy attempts to blame Comey’s conduct during the Clinton e-mail probe, even though he already had embraced Comey during the transition, and even though Trump would later acknowledge he... Link to the full article to read more

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