Article snippet: Several Democrats running for president in 2020 called for action in response to Friday’s shooting in Virginia Beach, which killed 11 people and injured six. The shooting took place about 4 p.m. at the Virginia Beach Municipal Building when Virginia Beach Police Chief James Cervara said a “longtime employee of public utilities” began to “indiscriminately fire upon all the victims.” Nearly all the presidential contenders repeated calls for Washington to enact stricter gun control measures to prevent future attacks. "11 innocent lives cut down. 11 more futures denied. When will we finally say enough is enough? It’s long past time to hold our leaders accountable. Jill and I are heartbroken that more American families are suffering tonight in Virginia Beach," former Vice President MORE said. “Jane and I are grieving for the victims in Virginia Beach and their families,” Sen. MORE (D-Calif.) said. “I’m heartsick and praying for the victims and their loved ones. Eleven people should not have been murdered today. How many lives will it take before Congress acts to end this crisis?” Sen. MORE (D-Mass.) asked. “Another horrific shooting shocks the nation, this time in Virginia Beach. We grieve with those impacted even as we await more information. Already, this much is clear: it is unacceptable for America to remain the only developed country where this is routine. We must act,” South Bend, Ind., Mayor MORE tweeted. “11 people dead. My heart breaks for those killed in an... Link to the full article to read more
2020 Dems react to Virginia shooting: 'We must act' | TheHill